A Mission to Heal Our Heroes
GOAL TO RAISE: $1,000,000
Suicide Prevention Efforts
Housing Solutions Initiative
Mental Health Therapy Sessions
Overall Veteran Necessities
More than *100,000 veterans are homeless on any given night in America, or that *35 veterans, (or more), are losing the battle to mental health by suicide in our country daily. *Per recent data research
Many times, we lose our veterans to mental health crises and preventable situations that only require a small investment into their lives.
One of our missions, throughout American communities, is to increase suicide prevention awareness while also gaining wider access to mental health services, benefits and housing programs for our fellow veterans.
Spotlighting these challenges publicly is a step toward accomplishing our mission.
Through this tournament, and similar public events, we are able to mobilize our charitable partners and sponsors to gather the necessary financial and in-kind resources to make an impact for our heroes.
THE MISSION: The US Veterans Hall of Fame desires to continue providing services to our veterans, many of which are critical and lifesaving measures.
Here are some examples of services that our network provides and that are continually needed for our veterans:
One therapy session averages $125 per hour - the average number of therapy assistance calls in the US has doubled among the veteran population over the course of the pandemic.
Single utility needs have averaged between $100 to $200 - everyday in America, a veteran in most major cities has a utility disconnected due to limited income and the inability to pay a bill. It is also estimated that 581,000 veterans are unemployed or one paycheck away from losing their homes, vehicle or other properties.
Housing assistance needs range from $600 to $1000 monthly - nationwide we have an estimated 50,000 homeless veterans any given night in America. Beyond providing rental or mortgage assistance, (where the V.A. cannot assist the need), the US Veterans Hall of Fame has plans to build safe, modern and affordable housing structures through a partnership with Axhoj Enterprises that veterans could afford and would be proud to call home.
Career advancement training averages $250 - $1000 - An educational course or trade school training regimen could enhance a veteran's paycheck, so that she or he can provide for their families at a higher and more secure level.
Community attachment (various) - We also provide community events and outreach functions to attach fellow veterans to their respective communities, as well as communities that may be in need of our skillsets. So, whether that be a day organizing and distributing food boxes to families in need or a mission to assist the nation after a hurricane, our veterans get an opportunity to continue to serve the nation that they love.
Any one of the above services, if ready in advance, could save a veteran's life.
The US Veterans Hall of Fame Veterans Village (conceptual)
*Update: The Hall of Fame is working to acquire its first land grant for the express use of building homes for veterans! Please watch for coming announcements!

E-Mail us at: USVetsHOF@Gmail.com to schedule a meeting.
We hope that our services and goals inspire you to attach to this and other U.S. Veterans Hall of Fame missions!
Please contact us today via email or phone to discuss ways that your
company or organization can align via events or support efforts!